Package 'comperes'

Title: Manage Competition Results
Description: Tools for storing and managing competition results. Competition is understood as a set of games in which players gain some abstract scores. There are two ways for storing results: in long (one row per game-player) and wide (one row per game with fixed amount of players) formats. This package provides functions for creation and conversion between them. Also there are functions for computing their summary and Head-to-Head values for players. They leverage grammar of data manipulation from 'dplyr'.
Authors: Evgeni Chasnovski [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Evgeni Chasnovski <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2025-01-20 03:25:01 UTC

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comperes: Manage Competition Results


comperes offers a set of tools for storing and managing competition results. Competition is understood as a set of games (abstract event) in which players (abstract entity) gain some abstract scores. The most natural example is sport results, however not the only one. For example, product rating can be considered as a competition between products as "players". Here a "game" is a customer that reviews a set of products by rating them with numerical "score" (stars, points, etc.).


This package provides the following functionality:

  • Store and convert competition results:

    • In long format as a tibble with one row per game-player pair.

    • In wide format as a tibble with one row per game with fixed amount of players.

  • Summarise:

  • Compute Head-to-Head values (a summary statistic of direct confrontation between two players) with functions also using dplyr's grammar:

To learn more about comperes browse vignettes with browseVignettes(package = "comperes").


Maintainer: Evgeni Chasnovski [email protected] (ORCID)

See Also

Useful links:

Convert between long pair-value data and matrix


Functions for conversion between long pair-value data (data frame with columns for pair identifiers and value column) and matrix.


long_to_mat(tbl, row_key, col_key, value = NULL, fill = NULL,
  silent = FALSE)

mat_to_long(mat, row_key, col_key, value, drop = FALSE)



Data frame with pair-value data.


String name of column for first key in pair.


String name of column for second key in pair.


String name of column for value (or NULL for long_to_mat()).


Value to fill for missing pairs.


Use TRUE to omit message about guessed value column (see Details).


Matrix with pair-value data.


Use TRUE to drop rows with missing value (see Details).


Pair-value data is commonly used in description of pairs of objects. Pair is described by two keys (usually integer or character) and value is an object of arbitrary nature.

In long format there are at least three columns: for first key in pair, for second key and for value (might be more). In matrix format pair-value data is represented as matrix of values with row names as character representation of first key, column names - second key.

long_to_mat() works as follows:

  • Pair identifiers are taken from columns with names row_key (to be used as row names) and col_key (to be used as column names). Unique identifiers (and future dimension names) are determined with levels2(). This is a way to target function on specific set of pairs by using factor columns. Note that NAs are treated as single unknown key and put on last place (in case of non-factor).

  • Values are taken from column with name value. Note that if value has length 0 (typically NULL) then long_to_mat() will take first non-key column. If there is no such column, it will use vector of dummy values (NAs or fills). In both cases a message is given if silent = FALSE.

  • Output is a matrix with described row and column names. Value of pair "key_1" and "key_2" is stored at intersection of row "key_1" and "key_2". Note that in case of duplicated pairs the value from first occurrence is taken.

mat_to_long() basically performs inverse operation to long_to_mat() but pair identifiers are always character. If drop = TRUE it drops rows with values (but not keys) being missing.


long_to_mat() returns a matrix with selected values where row names indicate first key in pair, col names - second.

mat_to_long() returns a tibble with three columns: the one for first key in pair, the one for second, and the one for value.


long_data <- data.frame(
  key_1 = c("a", "a", "b"),
  key_2 = c("c", "d", "c"),
  val = 1:3,
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE

mat_data <- long_data %>% long_to_mat("key_1", "key_2", "val")

# Converts to tibble
mat_data %>% mat_to_long("new_key_1", "new_key_2", "new_val")

# Drops rows with valuus missing
mat_data %>% mat_to_long("new_key_1", "new_key_2", "new_val", drop = TRUE)

Get matchups from competition results


This function powers computing Head-to-Head values (both long and matrix).





Competition results ready for as_longcr().


get_matchups() returns a tibble of all matchups (pairs of players from one game) actually present in cr_data (including matchups of players with themselves). It has following columns:

  • game - game identifier of matchup.

  • player1 - identifier of first player in matchup.

  • score1 - score of the first player in matchup.

  • player2 - identifier of second player in matchup.

  • score2 - score of the second player in matchup.

Important notes:

  • Matchups are not symmetrical: matchup "player1"-"player2" is considered different from "player2"-"player1" in order to except more advanced, not symmetrical Head-to-Head values.

  • Missing values in player column after conversion to longcr are treated as separate players. It allows operating with games where multiple players' identifiers are not known. However, when computing Head-to-Head values they treated as single player.


A widecr for games with two players.

See Also

Long format of Head-to-Head values.

Matrix format of Head-to-Head values.



Common Head-to-Head functions


List of commonly used functions for computing Head-to-Head values.




An object of class list of length 9.


h2h_funs is a named list of expressions representing commonly used expressions of Head-to-Head functions for computing Head-to-Head values with h2h_long() or h2h_mat(). Names of the elements will be used as Head-to-Head value names. To use them inside h2h_long() or h2h_mat() use unquoting mechanism from rlang package.

Currently present functions:

  • mean_score_diff - computes mean score difference of player1 compared to player2.

  • mean_score_diff_pos - equivalent to mean_score_diff but returns 0 if result is negative.

  • mean_score - computes mean score of player1.

  • sum_score_diff - computes sum of score differences of player1 compared to player2.

  • sum_score_diff_pos - equivalent to sum_score_diff but returns 0 if result is negative.

  • sum_score - computes sum of scores of player1.

  • num_wins - computes number of matchups player1 scored more than player2. Draws (determined by dplyr::near()) are omitted.

  • num_wins2 - computes number of matchups player1 scored more than player2 plus half the number of matchups where they had draw. Note that for equal player1 and player2 there might be non-zero output.

  • num - computes number of matchups.

Note that it is generally better to subset h2h_funs using names rather than indices because the order of elements might change in future versions.

See Also

Long format of Head-to-Head values.

Matrix format of Head-to-Head values.


ncaa2005 %>% h2h_long(!!!h2h_funs)

ncaa2005 %>% h2h_mat(!!!h2h_funs["num_wins2"])

Compute long format of Head-to-Head values


Functions to compute Head-to-Head values in long pair-value format.


h2h_long(cr_data, ..., fill = list())

to_h2h_long(mat, value = "h2h_value", drop = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'h2h_long'
as_tibble(x, ...)



Competition results ready for as_longcr().


Name-value pairs of Head-to-Head functions (see Details).


A named list that for each variable supplies a single value to use instead of NA for missing pairs (see tidyr's complete()).


Matrix of Head-to-Head values.


String name to be used for column with Head-to-Head value.


Use TRUE to drop rows with missing Head-to-Head values (see Details).


Object to be converted to tibble.


h2h_long() computes Head-to-Head values in long format. It allows computation of multiple Head-to-Head values at the same time by supplying multiple summary functions in .... If no function is supplied in ..., it returns all appropriate combinations of matchups (see next paragraph).

After computing Head-to-Head values of actually present matchups, they are aligned with "levels" (see levels2()) of player vector (after applying as_longcr()). This is a way to target function on fixed set of players by using factor columns. The procedure is:

  • Implicit missing matchups are turned into explicit (by adding corresponding rows with filling values in Head-to-Head columns) by using tidyr's complete().

  • All matchups not containing players from "levels" are removed.

Use fill as in complete() to control filling values. To drop those rows use tidyr's drop_na().

to_h2h_long() takes object of h2h_mat structure and converts it into h2h_long object with value column named as stored in value. Use drop = TRUE to remove rows with missing values in value column (but not in players').


An object of class h2h_long which is a tibble with columns player1, player2 and those, produced by Head-to-Head functions (for h2h_long() maybe none).

as_tibble() applied to h2h_long object drops h2h_long class.

Head-to-Head value

Head-to-Head value is a summary statistic of direct confrontation between two players. It is assumed that this value can be computed based only on the players' matchups. In other words, every game is converted into series of "subgames" between ordered pairs of players (including selfplay) which is stored as widecr object. After that, summary of item, defined by columns player1 and player2, is computed using summarise_item().

That said, name-value pairs of Head-to-Head functions should be defined as for summarise_item() applied to data with columns game, player1, score1, player2, score2.

See Also

Matrix format of Head-to-Head values.

Common Head-to-Head functions.


ncaa2005 %>%
    mean_score = mean(score1),
    mean_abs_score = mean(abs(score1 - score2))

ncaa2005[-(1:2), ] %>%
    mean_score = mean(score1),
    fill = list(mean_score = 0)

Compute matrix format of Head-to-Head values


Functions to compute Head-to-Head values in matrix pair-value format.


h2h_mat(cr_data, ..., fill = NULL)

to_h2h_mat(tbl, value = NULL, fill = NULL)



Competition results ready for as_longcr().


Name-value pairs of Head-to-Head functions (see Details).


A single value to use instead of NA for missing pairs.


Data frame in long format of Head-to-Head values.


String name for column with Head-to-Head value.


h2h_mat() computes Head-to-Head values in matrix format. It allows multiple Head-to-Head functions in ... but only first (if present) will be used. Basically, it uses supplied function to compute long format of Head-to-Head values and then transforms it naturally to matrix, filling missing values with fill.

to_h2h_mat() takes object of h2h_long structure and converts it into h2h_mat using column with name value for values and filling data for implicitly missing (not explicitly provided in tbl) player pairs with fill. If value is NULL it takes first non-player column. If there is no such column, it will use vector of dummy values (NAs or fills).


An object of class h2h_mat which is a matrix with row names indicating first player in matchup, col names - second and values - Head-to-Head values.

Head-to-Head value

Head-to-Head value is a summary statistic of direct confrontation between two players. It is assumed that this value can be computed based only on the players' matchups. In other words, every game is converted into series of "subgames" between ordered pairs of players (including selfplay) which is stored as widecr object. After that, summary of item, defined by columns player1 and player2, is computed using summarise_item().

That said, name-value pairs of Head-to-Head functions should be defined as for summarise_item() applied to data with columns game, player1, score1, player2, score2.

See Also

Long format of Head-to-Head values.

Common Head-to-Head functions.


# Only first function is used
ncaa2005 %>%
    mean_score = mean(score1),
    mean_abs_score = mean(abs(score1 - score2))

ncaa2005[-(1:2), ] %>%
  h2h_mat(mean_score = mean(score1), fill = 0)

Results of Harry Potter Books Survey


hp_survey contains results of the survey with a goal to collect data enough to rate Harry Potter books.




A tibble with answers from 182 respondents and the following columns:

  • person ⁠<int>⁠: Identifier of a person.

  • book ⁠<chr>⁠: Identifier of a Harry Potter book. Its values are of the form "HP_x" where "x" represents book's number in the series (from 1 to 7).

  • score ⁠<chr>⁠: Book's score. Can be one of "1 - Poor", "2 - Fair", "3 - Good", "4 - Very Good", "5 - Excellent".

Rows are ordered by person and then by book identifier.


Survey was done via Google Forms service. To participate in it, respondent is asked to log in into her/his Google account (to ensure that one person takes part only once). It was popularized mostly among R users via R-bloggers and Twitter.

At the beginning of the survey, there was the following text:

This is a survey with goal to collect data enough to rate Harry Potter books. Data will be made public with complete anonymity of respondents. Please, take part only if you have read all seven original J. K. Rowling Harry Potter books and are willing to give an honest feedback about your impressions.

Analyzed books were coded with the following names:

  • “HP and the Philosopher’s (Sorcerer’s) Stone (#1)”.

  • “HP and the Chamber of Secrets (#2)”.

  • “HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban (#3)”.

  • “HP and the Goblet of Fire (#4)”.

  • “HP and the Order of the Phoenix (#5)”.

  • “HP and the Half-Blood Prince (#6)”.

  • “HP and the Deathly Hallows (#7)”.

Survey had the following procedure:

  • At first, respondent is asked to choose the first element in the randomly shuffled list of number from 1 to 127. This simulates the random generation of books subset in the next question.

  • Next he/she is presented with a question "What is your impression of these Harry Potter BOOKS?" (singular if there is one book) and the following question grid:

    • Rows represent randomly shuffled subset of books corresponding to the number chosen in the first step.

    • Columns contain the following scale of answers: “1 - Poor”, “2 - Fair”, “3 - Good”, “4 - Very Good”, “5 - Excellent”. Respondent is asked and allowed to choose only one answer per book (every book should be rated).

Compute item summary


Functions for computing item summary, i.e. some summary measurements (of arbitrary nature) of item (one or more columns) present in data frame.


summarise_item(tbl, item, ..., .prefix = "")

summarise_game(tbl, ..., .prefix = "")

summarise_player(tbl, ..., .prefix = "")

summarize_item(tbl, item, ..., .prefix = "")

summarize_game(tbl, ..., .prefix = "")

summarize_player(tbl, ..., .prefix = "")



Data frame.


Character vector of columns to group by.


Name-value pairs of summary functions (as in dplyr::summarise).


A string to be added to all summary functions' names.


Basically, summarise_item() performs the following steps:

  • Group tbl by columns stored in item. Note that starting from 0.8.0 version of dplyr this might give a warning in case of implicit NAs in factor columns (NA present in column values but not in its levels) suggesting to add NA to levels.

  • Apply dplyr's summarise().

  • Ungroup result.

  • Convert to tibble.

  • Add .prefix to names of summary functions.

summarise_game() and summarise_player() are wrappers for summarise_item() using item = "game" and item = "player" respectively.


Output of summarise() as not grouped tibble.

See Also

Common item summary functions for competition results.

Join item summary


ncaa2005 %>%
  dplyr::mutate(game_type = game %% 2) %>%
  summarise_item(c("game_type", "player"), mean_score = mean(score))

ncaa2005 %>%
  summarise_game(mean_score = mean(score), min_score = min(score))

Join item summary


Functions for joining summary data to data frame. They perform respective variant of summarise item functions and then left join to the input its result (by item columns).


join_item_summary(tbl, item, ..., .prefix = "")

join_game_summary(tbl, ..., .prefix = "")

join_player_summary(tbl, ..., .prefix = "")



Data frame.


Character vector of columns to group by.


Name-value pairs of summary functions (as in dplyr::summarise).


A string to be added to all summary functions' names.


join_game_summary() and join_player_summary() are wrappers for join_item_summary() using item = "game" and item = "player" respectively.


Result of left_join() to the input data frame.

See Also

Compute item summary

Common item summary functions for competition results.


ncaa2005 %>% join_player_summary(player_mean_score = mean(score))

Levels of vector


Extension of levels() function. If levels(x) is not NULL, it is returned. Otherwise, character representation of unique sorted values is returned (with NA treated based on na.last as in sort()).


levels2(x, na.last = TRUE)



An object of interest.


Argument for controlling the treatment of NAs. See sort().


fac_vec <- factor(c("a", "b"), levels = c("a", "b", "c"))

levels2(c(10, 1, 2, NA, 11))

Long format of competition results


Functions for dealing with competition results in long format.



as_longcr(cr_data, repair = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'longcr'
as_tibble(x, ...)



Data of competition results (convertible to tabular).


Whether to repair input.


Additional arguments to be passed to or from methods.


Object to be converted to tibble.


as_longcr() is S3 method for converting data to longcr. When using default method if repair is TRUE it also tries to fix possible problems (see "Repairing"). If repair is FALSE it converts cr_data to tibble and adds longcr class to it.

When applying as_longcr() to proper (check via is_widecr() is made) widecr object, conversion is made:

  • If there is column game then it is used as game identifier. Else treat every row as separate game data.

  • Every "player"-"score" pair for every game is converted to separate row with adding the appropriate extra columns.

  • Result is arranged by game and identifier of a "player"-"score" pair (extra symbols after "player" and "score" strings in input column names) in increasing order.

  • If repair is TRUE then repair is done.

For appropriate longcr objects as_longcr() returns its input and throws error otherwise.


is_longcr() returns TRUE if its argument is appropriate object of class longcr: it should inherit classes longcr, tbl_df (in other words, to be tibble) and have "game", "player", "score" among column names.

as_longcr() returns an object of class longcr.

as_tibble() applied to longcr object drops longcr class.

Long format of competition results

It is assumed that competition consists from multiple games (matches, comparisons, etc.). One game can consist from variable number of players. Inside a game all players are treated equally. In every game every player has some score: the value of arbitrary nature that fully characterizes player's performance in particular game (in most cases it is some numeric value).

longcr inherits from tibble. Data should have at least three columns with the following names:

  • game - game identifier.

  • player - player identifier.

  • score - score of particular player in particular game.

Extra columns are allowed. Note that if object is converted to widecr, they will be dropped. So it is better to store extra information about "game"-"player" pair as list-column "score" which will stay untouched.


Option repair = TRUE (default) in as_longcr() means that its result is going to be repaired with following actions:

  • Detect columns exactly matching "game", "player" or "score". Those are used in the output. If all are detected matched columns are put in the beginning. Other columns are preserved.

  • If not all columns were exactly matched, detect first columns with names containing "game", "player" or "score" (ignoring case). If there are many matching names for one output name then the first one is used. In case of imperfect match, message is given. All other columns are treated as "extra".

  • If some legitimate names aren't detected, respective columns are created and filled with NA_integer_. Also a message is given.

  • If in one game some player listed more than once, the first record is taken.

  • Return the tibble with at least 3 appropriate for longcr columns and column names.

See Also

Wide format


# Repairing example
cr_data <- data.frame(
  playerscoregame_ID = rep(1:5, times = 2),
  gameId = rep(1:5, each = 2),
  scoreS = 31:40,
  scoreSS = 41:50
cr_data_long <- as_longcr(cr_data, repair = TRUE)



Example competition results from 2005 NCAA football season


ncaa2005 is an example competition results of an isolated group of Atlantic Coast Conference teams provided in book "Who's #1" by Langville and Meyer.




An object of class longcr containing information about 10 games.

Competition results with games between two players


Functions for competition results with games between two players.






Competition results in format ready for as_longcr().


Pairgames is a term for competition results with games between two players.

to_pairgames() is a function that converts competition results into pairwise games: it drops games with one player and for every game with 3 and more players this function transforms it into set of separate games between unordered pairs of players. In other words the result is a set of unordered matchups (as different games) between different players.

Important notes:

  • New game identifiers are integers, order of which respects order of games stored in cr_data (based on first occurrence in long format). There is no particular order in subgames of games with 3 and more players.

  • Order in which players are assigned to player1 or player2 column in general shouldn't agree with any order in cr_data.

  • Any column except game, player and score will be dropped after conversion to longcr.

  • NA and NaN in players are allowed. They are treated as different players.

  • to_pairgames() is rather compute-intensive and can take much time for competition results with many games.


to_pairgames() returns a competition results of pairwise games as widecr object with two players.

is_pairgames() returns a boolean value of whether cr_data contains only games between two players.


cr_data <- data.frame(
  game = c(rep(1:5, each = 3), 6),
  player = c(rep(1:5, times = 3), 1),
  score = 101:116,
  extraCol = -(1:16)


# Missing values
cr_data_na <- data.frame(
  game = rep(1L, 3),
  player = c(1, NA, NA),
  score = 1:3

# Checks

Common item summary functions


List of commonly used functions for summarising competition results.




An object of class list of length 8.


summary_funs is a named list of expressions representing commonly used expressions of summary functions for summarising competition results with summarise_item(). Names of the elements will be used as summary names. It is designed primarily to be used with long format of competition results. To use them inside summarise_item() use unquoting mechanism from rlang package.

Currently present functions:

  • min_score - min(score).

  • max_score - max(score).

  • mean_score - mean(score).

  • median_score - median(score).

  • sd_score - sd(score).

  • sum_score - sum(score).

  • num_games - length(unique(game)).

  • num_players - length(unique(player)).

Note that it is generally better to subset summary_funs using names rather than indices because the order of elements might change in future versions.

See Also

Compute item summary, Join item summary


ncaa2005 %>% summarise_game(!!!summary_funs, .prefix = "game_")

Wide format of competition results


Functions for dealing with competition results in wide format.



as_widecr(cr_data, repair = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'widecr'
as_tibble(x, ...)



Data of competition results (convertible to tabular).


Whether to repair input.


Additional arguments to be passed to or from methods.


Object to be converted to tibble.


as_widecr() is S3 method for converting data to widecr. When using default method if repair is TRUE it also tries to fix possible problems (see "Repairing"). If repair is FALSE it converts cr_data to tibble and adds widecr class to it.

When applying as_widecr() to proper (check via is_longcr() is made) longcr object, conversion is made:

  • All columns except "game", "player" and "score" are dropped.

  • Conversion from long to wide format is made. The number of "player"-"score" pairs is taken as the maximum number of players in game. If not all games are played between the same number of players then there will be NA's in some pairs. Column game is preserved in output and is used for arranging in increasing order.

For appropriate widecr objects as_widecr returns its input and throws error otherwise.


is_widecr() returns TRUE if its argument is appropriate object of class widecr: it should inherit classes widecr, tbl_df (in other words, to be tibble) and have complete pairs of "player"-"score" columns where pair is detected by digits after strings "player" and "score" respectively. Columns of "player" and "score" types shouldn't have any extra symbols except type name and digits after it. All other columns are considered as "extra columns".

as_widecr() returns an object of class widecr.

as_tibble() applied to widecr object drops widecr class.

Wide format of competition results

It is assumed that competition consists from multiple games (matches, comparisons, etc.). One game can consist only from constant number of players. Inside a game all players are treated equally. In every game every player has some score: the value of arbitrary nature that fully characterizes player's performance in particular game (in most cases it is some numeric value).

widecr inherits from tibble. Data should be organized in pairs of columns "player"-"score". Identifier of a pair should go after respective keyword and consist only from digits. For example: player1, score1, player2, score2. Order doesn't matter. Extra columns are allowed.

To account for R standard string ordering, identifiers of pairs should be formatted with leading zeros (when appropriate). For example: player01, score01, ..., player10, score10.

Column game for game identifier is optional. If present it will be used in conversion to longcr format via as_longcr().


Option repair = TRUE (default) in as_widecr() means that its result is going to be repaired with following actions:

  • Detect columns with names containing "player" or "score" (ignoring case). All other columns are treated as "extra".

  • Extract first occurrence of "player" or "score" (ignoring case) from names of detected columns. Everything after extracted word is treated as identifier of "player"-"score" pair.

  • Convert these identifiers to numeric form with as.integer(as.factor(...)).

  • Convert identifiers once again to character form with possible leading zeros (to account for R standard string ordering).

  • Spread pairs to appropriate columns with possible column adding (which were missed in original pairs based on information of pair identifier) with NA_integer_.

  • Note that if there is column game (exactly matched) it is placed as first column. Note that the order (and numeration) of pairs can change.

See Also

Long format


cr_data <- data.frame(
  playerA = 1:10,
  playerB = 2:11,
  scoreC = 11:20,
  scoreB = 12:21,
  otherColumn = 101:110
cr_data_wide <- as_widecr(cr_data, repair = TRUE)

