ruler - Tidy Data Validation Reports
Tools for creating data validation pipelines and tidy reports. This package offers a framework for exploring and validating data frame like objects using 'dplyr' grammar of data manipulation.
Last updated 2 years ago
6.70 score 31 stars 36 scripts 335 downloadspdqr - Work with Custom Distribution Functions
Create, transform, and summarize custom random variables with distribution functions (analogues of 'p*()', 'd*()', 'q*()', and 'r*()' functions from base R). Two types of distributions are supported: "discrete" (random variable has finite number of output values) and "continuous" (infinite number of values in the form of continuous random variable). Functions for distribution transformations and summaries are available. Implemented approaches often emphasize approximate and numerical solutions: all distributions assume finite support and finite values of density function; some methods implemented with simulation techniques.
Last updated 2 years ago
6.37 score 15 stars 1 dependents 26 scripts 174 downloadscomperes - Manage Competition Results
Tools for storing and managing competition results. Competition is understood as a set of games in which players gain some abstract scores. There are two ways for storing results: in long (one row per game-player) and wide (one row per game with fixed amount of players) formats. This package provides functions for creation and conversion between them. Also there are functions for computing their summary and Head-to-Head values for players. They leverage grammar of data manipulation from 'dplyr'.
Last updated 2 years ago
6.28 score 8 stars 1 dependents 40 scripts 304 downloadscomperank - Ranking Methods for Competition Results
Compute ranking and rating based on competition results. Methods of different nature are implemented: with fixed Head-to-Head structure, with variable Head-to-Head structure and with iterative nature. All algorithms are taken from the book 'Who’s #1?: The science of rating and ranking' by Amy N. Langville and Carl D. Meyer (2012, ISBN:978-0-691-15422-0).
Last updated 2 years ago
5.65 score 24 stars 37 scripts 147 downloadskeyholder - Store Data About Rows
Tools for keeping track of information, named "keys", about rows of data frame like objects. This is done by creating special attribute "keys" which is updated after every change in rows (subsetting, ordering, etc.). This package is designed to work tightly with 'dplyr' package.
Last updated 2 years ago
5.38 score 8 stars 1 dependents 20 scripts 351 downloads